Profile Photo for Tanya Velishek

Tanya Velishek

Talent Acquisition Manager of Clinical WorkForce Pathways/Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at M Health Fairview

Department: Workforce

Tell us about your background.

Currently I work as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at our University Children's Primary Care Clinic and dual role into Talent Acquisition as the manager of clinical workforce pathways. With the dual role, I am able to maintain patient care and understand the workforce right at the bedside, clinic, and provide expertise to our HR partners when reviewing job opportunities, workflows, and opportunities for individuals to consider working in healthcare.

Share about the work of M Health Fairview.

M Health Fairview hospital and clinics focuses on all aspects of patients care and has joined forces with Ebenezer to continue health care to seniors and end of life. Providers, advanced practice providers, nurses, and multiple levels of support staff work tirelessly assisting all patients that enter our organization for health care needs.

What are some of the most pressing workforce challenges for the healthcare industry?

With the pandemic, staffing challenges and workforce needs have created workflow challenges, slower patient response times, and decreased services. M Health Fairview is working on many innovative approaches to capture trained and untrained individuals for employment. The organization looks for top talent and opportunities to create workforce pipelines like Nursing Assistant, Nursing Station Technician, Medical Assistant, RN, Lab Tech, and many more professions.

Where do you see the most opportunities for individuals looking to start a career in healthcare?

Individuals looking for a career in healthcare should reach out to the HR recruiter, apply for positions, and know that our organization is here to provide opportunities and career pathways for success and your future.