Career Connect Day – Tomorrow’s Leaders
October 1, 2022
So excited to talk about our upcoming Career Connect Day, on October 18, at RiverCentre. This year’s event will welcome 2,500+ high school sophomores to an interactive day of career exploration with you, the employers who would like to introduce them to potential opportunities within your organization and sector. Our vision is to make this available to any high school or student interested in participating, with room for all employers who want to connect with them. Our first year is building up to be even bigger than we’d anticipated, and we look forward to seeing you! If you’d like to participate with a booth or sponsorship, please contact us for more information. Our vision? For 2024, we’ll expand and partner to invite all metro high schools that are interested, and add a second day for post-high schoolers looking for full-time, internships, retraining, or re-entry. Please join us!