Tech Future Event
April 2, 2022
April 22, 8:30-10am – Tech Futures Virtual Event
Explore future-forward career opportunities and pathways in tech fields such as software development, user experience design and IT. This event aims to provide information for workforce professionals, employers, education and training institutions, as we all connect and learn about the latest in the tech ecosystem. You'll hear from local tech training partners, employers, program providers, and recent graduates. Stay tuned for our list of panelists! This event is presented in partnership by Full Stack Saint Paul, Ramsey County, the St. Paul Area Chamber and the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County. Our goal is to share helpful insights about the tech ecosystem and share information about ways people can access career pathways and opportunities in Ramsey County to build a strong future for the region. This event is free and will be accessible through Zoom. We will send registrants the link to join as the event approaches. We look forward to the conversation and making new connections! Tech Futures event registration page link.