DEED Highlights in the Walz-Flanagan Budget to Move Minnesota Forward
January 28, 2022
Over the past two weeks, Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan have rolled out their Budget to Move Minnesota Forward. Several components of the plan will live under DEED’s leadership, so we wanted to share the full picture of the proposal that DEED will focus on this legislative session.
The $7.7B budget surplus has come to Minnesota at an inflection point in our economy. After two very difficult years for small businesses and workers across our state, we have an opportunity to seize this moment for the Minnesota economy and create a future that puts Minnesota on the cutting edge of job creation and economic growth. At DEED, our mission is to empower the growth of the Minnesota economy, for everyone. Our central aim in this budget is to empower growth that is rooted in equity and – together with business, labor, and community leaders – show the world that Minnesota met this moment of disruption with creativity and innovation.